Sunday, April 5, 2009

Time for a new section: Manufacturing Porn

The fact of the matter is, automated manufacturing is off the hook. I have always had a thing for the making of things, but a combination of advance in CNC technology and YouTube have taken this interest to the maximum. Check out a few of these videos. They are incredible.

How on earth this thing works is beyond me. Lathes- check, mills- check, what on earth this thing is- no idea. By the way the music Is God awful.

I love this thing. Just watch. Oh, and listen, I love the noises it makes.

This one goes out to anyone who has ever worked in foam. This is absolutely incredible. It is limited on the amount of forms it can do, but hey, it still blew my mind.

There are many more of these to come, so keep checking

1 comment:

Michelle Blair Gabriel said...

so what are you doing these days mr. dixon besides watching manufacturing porn and touching yourself?